Q-2, r. 9.1 - Regulation respecting compensation for adverse effects on wetlands and bodies of water

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10.1. An applicant who wishes to replace the payment of a financial contribution pursuant to section 10 must, when informed of the amount of the required financial contribution, file an application with the Minister for that purpose, accompanied by a plan of the work to restore or create wetlands or bodies of water.
The work that an applicant plans to carry out must target the following objectives:
(1)  in the case of work on wetlands:
(a)  the retention of the water surface to ensure a hydrological regime typical of a wetland;
(b)  a regeneration of hygrophilous vegetation after 3 years;
(2)  in the case of work on bodies of water:
(a)  an improvement in the hydrogeomorphologic state of the watercourse, along with habitat connectivity and heterogeneity;
(b)  the restoration of the natural dynamics for all the bodies of water on the site;
(3)  the presence, in the restored or newly created environments, of biophysical characteristics and plant associations that are typical of wetlands and bodies of water and approach the natural state of similar environments;
(4)  a contribution to the preservation of the habitat of a threatened or vulnerable species referred to in the Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable wildlife species and their habitats (chapter E-12.01, r. 2) or the Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable plant species and their habitats (chapter E-12.01, r. 3), as the case may be.
O.C. 1369-2021, s. 7.